Sadlers Wells 2024
Performed at Sadlers Wells Theatre, London - April 2024
The Story
By Finley WInship (Age 13)
Some would say that sitting on a coach for 3 and a bit hours wouldn’t be worth it for only 14 minutes of dancing but I would disagree. the thrill of running onto the massive stage at Sadler’s Well’s and performing a routine that every person on that coach has worked tremendously hard through many hours of rehearsals to perfect is second to none.
The coach journey there was a blast with dancers from age 6 to 17 having fun and messing around throughout the trip. There was a mixture of Disney songs and ARTS dances being blasted from the back of the bus and ‘Encanto’ being played to keep everyone entertained.
Once we arrived nerves started to build as we had our finale rehearsal and were taken back to our dressing rooms. make-up and plaiting hair looks stressful and I am reminded how easy it is to be a boy and I am very thankful I don’t have long hair., the curtain came up at 7:30 and everyone was in our ‘rocketman’ costumes ready to perform a very difficult routine, everyone did amazingly well and I want to thank Lisa for putting in all the time and effort to choreograph and teach and clean both routines.
We then had the interval break and our next dance was a mash-up of 2010 party songs (and fan kicks and splits) which was so fun and exciting.
Courtesy of Take a Bow we then had a quick-change into the finale so as we sprint off the stage and run to our dressing rooms I would like to thank all the chaperones for keeping us safe and cleaning, preparing, plaiting and helping us throughout the show.
The Finale was full of smiles and laughs as we left the theatre just gone 10:30. the drive home was full of sleeping, eating and big hero six and we made it back to ARTS at 1:30am (well done to the people who got up for school).
Finally I would like to thank my Mum and my Dad for making this whole experience possible through costumes and music and organising and helping and all the other things that happen behind the scenes you two are amazing.
Lastly well done to all the performers for taking part you all worked so hard you all did an amazing job.